LD-Agro Technologies Ltd. as a data controller declares that the data management of the web site operated by it is in compliance with the provisions of the current law. When handling user data, we take into account and enforce the following applicable laws.
· Act LXIII of 1992 law on the protection of personal data and the publicity of public data;
· Protection of Individuals in the Processing of Personal Data in Machine Processing in 1998 VI. law;
· CVIII. Of 2001, the Act on Electronic Commerce Services;
· Act C of 2003 on Electronic Communications;
· Act CXII of 2011 law on Right to Information Self-determination and Freedom of Information.
The purpose of this Privacy Statement is to define the principles and rules governing the management of personal data and other data that are made available on www.hu.ldagro.com ("Data Manager").
The scope of this Declaration applies only to the information provided to the Data Controller for the use of the Site, and its provisions do not apply in the case where one of you voluntarily disclose your personal information or part of it on the site or through the site.
You may also disclose information about the products listed on www.hu.ldagro.com in accordance with Act LXIII of 1992 on the protection of personal data and the publicity of public data. are treated as personal data by law, so that they are governed by the provisions of this law.
Any personal data that can be attributed to any identified (identified or identifiable) natural person (hereinafter referred to as "the person concerned") can be deduced from the data for the person concerned. Personal data preserves this quality while handling it as long as its relationship can be restored with the affected person. In particular, a person can be identified if it can be identified, directly or indirectly, by the name, identifier, or one or more physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of a person. [2011th CXII. law]
Only the name and e-mail address can be considered as personal data (such as name and e-mail address) as personal data.
User's voluntary consent to use the personal information provided during the use of the Website or to use Infotv. Article 5 (1) and the 2001 CVIII. Law 13 / A. § (3).
The purpose of Data Management is to facilitate the communication with the users only, where appropriate, the provision of personalized services for certain services and the delivery of the ordered product.
When ordering, the user agrees that the Data Handler manages the mandatory information required for the order.
The Data Controller shall endeavor to take all reasonable steps to secure the security of the computer systems it uses, in particular to prevent unauthorized access to the data stored on the site.
The User may request information about the processing of his / her personal data and may request the rectification or deletion of his / her personal data.
The User may request the deletion or modification of his / her personal data or data management information at the following e-mail address: info@ldagro.com
At the request of the User, the Data Controller shall provide information on the data he / she handles, the legal basis, purpose and duration of the data management. The Data Controller shall provide the information in writing within the shortest possible time from the submission of the application, but not later than within 30 days.
The user can at any time request rectification or modification of their data.
The Service Provider respects and protects personal data. The use of the Contractor's Data is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act. The Service Provider stores the buyer's data only for the performance of the contract and for the subsequent proof of the terms of the contract during the term of the contract. The Service Provider shall keep the contractual data for at least eight years pursuant to Section 169 of Act C of 2000 C.
The Service Provider will take all reasonable steps to safeguard the data safely but will not be responsible for any loss of data, damage or unauthorized access due to a natural disaster, crime or other unavoidable cause.
You may complain to the National Data Protection and Information Authority Authority for non-legitimate handling / use of user / purchaser data:
National Privacy and Freedom Authority
1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22 / C.
Postal address: 1530 Budapest, Mailbox: 5.
Phone: +36 -1-391-1400
Fax: + 36-1-391-1410
E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@naih.hu
You can report a complaint about the Service Provider's activities via the following contact details:
• National Privacy and Freedom Authority
1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22 / C.
Postal address: 1530 Budapest, Mailbox: 5.
Phone: +36 -1-391-1400
Fax: + 36-1-391-1410
E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@naih.hu
• National Authority for Consumer Protection:
Address: 1088 Budapest, József krt. 6th
Mailing address: 1428 Budapest, PF: 20.
Central telephone number: +36 1 459 4800
Fax number: +36 1 210 4677
• Contact details of the Territorial Competent Area Inspectorate:
Fejér County Government Office Consumer Protection Inspectorate
Postal address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Piac tér 12 - 14.
Customer Service Address: 8050 Székesfehérvár, Pf .: 936.
Phone number: +36 62 541 737
E-mail: fogyved_kdf_szekesfehervar@nfh.hu
• Contact information of the Conciliation Body of the Service Provider:
Fejér County Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Conciliation Body
Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúsetatér 4-6., House of Economy
Phone: Tel: 22 / 510-310
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While using our website, 3rd party can place cookies in the visitor's browser. These cookies are used for statistical purposes (Google Analytics) or Google Adwords remarketing tracking codes. This is based on the ability to search for site visitors later on Google Display Network sites with remarketing ads. The listed programs and services are perfectly reliable and their use complies with the requirements of the data protection authority.
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